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In June 2022, a little 10 month old kitty by the name of Aggie got the devastating diagnosis of having Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and quickly became a critical case.


She had dry, ocular (severe uveitis that she went completely blind),

neurological and spread to her bone marrow causing her immune

system to completely bottom out and her nurses in hospital had to

wear isolation gowns to protect her.


But, there is hope! With amazing discovery of a treatment curing FIP,

she was given back not only her life, but also her vision.

As of January 2023, Aggie was deemed cured.


Her momma felt so much love during Aggie’s treatment from the many fundraising efforts she held that she wanted to find a way to give back and help support other owners in need help save their own kitties.


This is how The Aggie Fund came to life. All the proceeds of donations and merchandise sales will go to help owners in need who are treating for FIP all across Canada. Supporting one another during a time of need is helping to save kitties of FIP and giving them a second chance to have a beautiful life with their families.

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Your Contribution: 100% will be used to help families with kitties undergoing F.I.P treatment.

Please help spread the awareness of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. 

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